


Cost Of Living Crisis  -  Support & Help

Cost of living support

Find out what support is available to help with the cost of living. This includes income and disability benefits, bills and allowances, childcare, housing and travel. 

 Energy Calculator

It’s gotten more expensive for providers to buy energy, which has led to it costing more for us to power our homes and businesses. This is why at GoCompare, we have developed an interactive energy cost calculator tool to find out how much something costs to run. Use the calculator below to choose the appliances you want to compare and select how long they’ll be used.


National Grid

Emergency Number

0800 0568090


National Gas Emergency

24 Hour Service

0800 111999


Anglian Water

By email:

If you prefer to send us an email   
please use our online form

By post:

Anglian Water    
Customer Services    
PO Box 10642    
CM20 9HA


By Phone

Billing and general enquiries03457 91 91 55 

Mon-Fri 0800-2000

Sat       0900-1300

Water supply and sewerage service   
queries and emergencies
03457 145 14524/7

Reporting a leak

Please ring as soon as possible

0800 771 88124/7

Having problems paying your bill

Don't leave it, call us NOW

0800 169 3630

Mon-Fri 0800-2000

Sat       0900-1300

Language Line

If English is not your first language   
please ask for our language line service.

03457 91 91 55  


We offer a 24-hour text telephone service   
for customers with speech or profound   
hearing difficulties. If you have a Minicom   
unit we can talk to you through a special   

0800 917 5901 

Bogus caller helpline

Double-check any Anglian   
Water employee's identity.


0800 145 145


Meter installation helpline

Please call us for more information   
about having a meter installed.

0345850 585224/7 

Builders & Developers

If you're planning a new development   
or extending your home and have a    
query about new water or drainage   
application, please give us a call.

0345 60 66 087

Mon-Fri 0900-1630

Sat       0900-1600



Utility providers

Listed below are some of the available power suppliers that supply Electric and some are dual Fuel.  Just click on the link below to go to their website for more details