Parish Council

The Parish Council (PC) represents the interests of the local community in South Witham and is made up of 11 councillors and the parish clerk. Meetings are usually held on the first Tuesday of every month, at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall on Water Lane. Residents are welcome to attend these meetings and there is a 15-minute public forum between 7.30 pm and 7.45 pm when members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the Council.

An annual parish meeting is usually held in May at which the Council reports to the electorate on the past year, presents the annual accounts and answers any questions.

Notice of meetings, agendas and minutes are posted on notice boards around the village and Minutes will also appear on this website.


A new cemetery has been established adjacent to the allotment area, at the junction of North Witham Road and Moor Lane which opened on the 1st January 2014.  This cemetery is the responsibility of the South Witham Parish Council (SWPC) and the parish clerk will maintain a register of burials for this purpose. 

After January 2014, the existing cemetery on the North Witham Rd will not have any new burials, apart from those in reserved spaces. It will only be open for cremations. This cemetery is the responsibility of the church.


There are 25 allotments at the junction of N Witham Road and Moor Lane. The rents vary according to the size of the individual plots. At present all are being used.  The rental agreements run from May to May and should anyone be interested in obtaining an allotment, should one become vacant, then please contact the Parish Council Clerk.

Play Areas

The Parish Council maintains the play area, the skateboard park and the basketball unit on the recreation ground behind the village hall, Water Lane; this not only includes repairs caused by general wear and tear but also the mending of damage done by deliberate vandalism.

Monthly safety inspections are undertaken by SWPC and there is an annual Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, (ROSPA) inspection by Playsafety Ltd.


The Parish Council has the authority to raise a precept to finance its expenditure. The Parish Council has the responsibility of ensuring that the finances are in good order and that value for money is obtained when purchasing services and goods.

Traffic and Highways

The Parish Council has regular contact with Lincolnshire Country Council (LCC) Highways. There are ongoing discussions with LCC Highways on resolving the parking and speeding problems in consultation with the Police.

Policing and Crime Prevention

The Parish  Council is active in working with the Police in reducing and preventing crime in the villages. The Police are routinely invited to Parish Council meetings

Street lighting

The Parish Council reports faulty streetlights that should be fixed by the contractor within 10 days.

Clearing Litter

SWPC employs a community street cleaner to routinely litter-pick in the village, to keep it as tidy as possible. This is partially funded by a grant from South Kesteven District Council, (SKDC). The District Council is responsible for the provision and emptying of litter bins around the village.

There is also an annual litter pick and village clean-up, usually in the spring. All residents are invited to participate in this.


The Parish Council is a statutory consultee in planning but has no decision-making powers.

More details can be found on the on the Parish Council website 


Parish Clerk's Office


South Witham Parish Council - Parish Clerks Office
53 Pridmore Road
Corby Glen
NG33 4JN
United Kingdom


South Witham Parish Council - Parish Office



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Sports Fields


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