Isaac Newton Ward Election results and comment


South Kesteven

Election of District Councillors for

Isaac Newton Ward

on Thursday 4 May 2023   
I, Karen Bradford, Returning Officer for South Kesteven, declare that the total number of   
votes given to each Candidate in the Isaac Newton Ward was as follows:

Name of CandidateCommonly Used Name   
(if any)
(if any
Number of   
BELLAMY David   
 Conservative Party   
576   Elected
GREEN, Benjamin   
Samuel Oliver
commonly known as   
Conservative Party   
512     Elected
HINE, Archie George Labour Party281
TURNER, Michael Jamescommonly known as    
Green Party277

                      * If elected, the word 'Elected' appears against the number of votes.

The number of ballot papers rejected was as follows:                              

Number of    
ballot papers

Awant of an official mark


Bvoting for more Candidates than voter was entitled to


Cwriting or mark by which voter could be identified


Dbeing unmarked or wholly void for uncertainty


Erejected in part




                             Vacant seats: 2         Electorate:  3721     Ballot papers issued: 980  Turnout 26.34%

                          I declare that DAVID MICHAEL BELLAMY and BENJAMIN SAMUEL OLIVER GREEN are   
                          duly elected.


Dated Friday 5 May 2023

Karen Bradford   
Returning Officer

Printed and published by the Returning Officer, Council Offices, The Picture House, St Catherine`s Road, Grantham, NG31 6TT



So those are the Isaac Newton Ward results for the May 4 Election.

The question is why did so many not vote?

  • Was it due to the new identification requirements let's remember that not every British citizen has a driving licence or a passport so it would require filling in an online form or sending in a paper copy which you could get by emailing the elections team. That's ok if you know you need to do this and have access to the internet to find the information.

  • lack of knowledge of the election  ... Facebook had ads,  TV and radio news even, TikTok Newspapers etc have all covered the election.

  • The Weather, it does have an effect  

  • Voter apathy...

  • Candidates not making themselves known to their electorate.


I personally suspect the latter two options are the most likely reason.  We as an electorate need to understand that our vote counts ( even a spoiled ballot is recorded), but without interaction with the candidates ( and a leaflet through the door is not an interaction) we cannot make a decision about who we elect. Local elections are more than part of politics.

  1. find out what the candidates stand for 

  2. express our concerns to candidates so they can understand what we as an electorate require from them.

Voter apathy means we get the elected candidates we deserve rather than the candidates we need. 

The irony is that the new duly elected representatives have been elected when 73% of the electorate did not vote for them...