Village Voices
OG Group
Village Voices sing a variety of music in harmony, both accompanied and unaccompanied. We usually meet every Friday evening from 7.30 – 9 o’clock.
Membership of Village Voices is open to all voices: soprano, alto, tenor and bass, and to people from neighbouring villages. Singers don’t need to be able to read music because we learn from recordings as well as at rehearsals.
It makes you feel better, both physically and mentally, because it engages your body from your head to your toes. Singers release endorphins, the natural hormones that produce a powerful feel-good effect. Although singing alone can enhance a sense of well-being, choral singers release more endorphins than athletes do. Singing also has proven physical benefits, giving the lungs a work-out, toning up abdominal muscles and the diaphragm, and stimulating circulation. It makes you breathe more deeply than many forms of strenuous exercise, so you take in more oxygen, improve aerobic capacity and experience a release of muscle tension as well.
All children can sing: it is a natural instinct. Adults lose track of their natural ability, but it can be restored – and help is at hand with Village Voices. Although we work hard, we have fun and enjoy singing at concerts, weddings and other occasions.
For further information about what we do, or to book us to sing at your event.