Neighbourhood Alert - E-Scooters information:

E-Scooters information:

We know some people will be asking Santa for e-scooters this Christmas, and they might seem tempting in the January sales, but please consider this:

🛴They can only be used on private land,
🛴They are illegal on any public highway, pavement or in a public space, 
🛴You cannot get insurance to ride these on the road.

So, privately owned e-scooters can only be used on private land, with the permission of the landowner.

Some parts of the UK are running government trials of rental e-scooters, but Lincoln is not part of this trial.

You can read more about our advice on using e-scooters here: 

If you are considering buying an e-scooter, please also read this safety advice from Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue after concerns over charging and battery storage:

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Message Sent By
Maisie McMahon
(Lincolnshire OPCC, Safer Together Team, Lincolnshire)