Soup and Roll only £1 - 2022

  • As the weather gets colder the Community Group are planning to extend their fortnightly coffee Morning at South Witham Village Hall to include a choice of soups, of which at least one will be homemade and to include a roll or bread and butter for £1. Tea and coffee will also be available for 50p extra.
  • Coffee mornings are currently on alternating Wednesdays at South Witham Village Hall from 9 am to 12 noon. We  will serve soup between 12 and 1 pm on those days
  • We plan to start on Wednesday 9th November and then on the 23rd of November 2022, 7th December 2022 and 21st December 2022.  If this proves popular we will continue into the New Year.
  • If you have not been to one of our coffee mornings before we will welcome you very warmly and we are sure yu will enjoy the chat and company.
  • All ages are welcome!